I'm going to be a little vulnerable for a bit. I need accountability. I need it something fierce. I don't feel healthy and I'm not particularly happy with my lifestyle {re: limited exercise and tons of junk food} My solution: a weekly blog update on my progression to fitness.
Here's my game plan:1. Sean and I are going to start training for races...small races at first but hopefully it will grow into something bigger. So I'm hoping the buddy system is encouraging.
2. I got some new kicks that have Nike+ technology to help me track my running better.

3. My sweet dad signed me up for 3 months to get me kickstarted at a swanky gym right by my office

4. I'll post my weekly running distances and other important numbers. I'm a big believer in transparency and hope that the added accountability from blogland will be just what I need to motivate me towards a healthier lifestyle.
I will be realistic and honest as I share with you both my successes and challenges on this new journey -- everything from running breakthroughs to tripping on the treadmill.