Somethings about Carson recently:
- Her vocabulary has skyrocketed and she's a great communicator. She understands emotions and will let us know how she's feeling in pretty descriptive terms.
- Her love language is for sure physical touch. Girl loves to cuddle, give hugs, and hold hands. Our church had an event centered around your child's love language and after really realizing hers was physical touch, we've avoided a lot of disciplinary type issues by just offering more snuggle ("nuggle") time.
- She has a lot of friends, but some of her favorites are: Aspen, Caroline, Harlow and Levi. She's a social butterfly and loves to be around others.
- She does ok with eating -- she will usually try about anything, but doesn't seem to eat a ton of any one particular item.
- She potty trained herself. :) Right around her 2nd birthday we officially started and she had it down with only a handful of accidents. A couple months after that, she was good to go all night, too.
- She typically gets sassy when she's hungry or when she has to leave somewhere she doesn't want to.
- Her favorite toys right now are baby dolls, coloring, playing pretend (princess, doctor), and her play kitchen.
- Her favorite TV show is Sophia the First and she asks to watch it all the time! Kiddo is persistent.
- She's very smart -- picks up on things very quickly, memorized new songs/books/bible verses after just a couple of times. Her memory is way better than mine!
- She has just recently taken to talking on the phone. She wants to call family/friends and have a little chat, but the conversation usually ends pretty abruptly ("ok, bye bye!"...click)
- She naps for around an hour at daycare and usually two hours at home, sleeps from about 8-6:30.
- If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she will say "A Mommy!" (and I know she's going to make a great one!)
Carson Ruby, your daddy and I are so very proud of you! We love getting to know you and see your personality develop. You are kind, smart and very funny. Being your mom is one of my greatest gifts and pleasures. We often pray through the fruits of the spirit over you and have seen a lot of those character qualities come out. Sweet girl, we so desire for you to grow up knowing and willingly serving Jesus. We promise to do our best to lead you into a healthy relationship with the Lord by modeling grace and ensuring our family's involvement in the Church. You are so much fun to be around, so imaginative and creative. You've just woken from your nap, so I'll leave this post to hug your neck. Love you to the moon and back, Carson!