I turned 25 last week and had a great birthday. I had doughnut for breakfast, went to the farmers market, cake for lunch and catfish hole for dinner. My tummy hated me for those decisions.
My parents came to stay with us and we went to a Naturals game (they happen to be playing the San Antonio Missions that night). It was HOT!
Sean got me a DQ ice cream cake. It's good, but really rich!
Sean got me XM radio installed in my car and with my bday money I ordered a Silhouette SD machine. It seems kind of complicated but awesome, so I'm looking forward to trying out some projects when it arrives.

I have been on the hunt for these tongs for-ev-er. Silicon tipped (we don't use metal utensils on our pans), straight edged tongs. Seems simple, right? Wrong. They were always in the wrong color, scalloped edged, no silicone, etc. Well...I was at TJ Maxx and found the exact ones I wanted on clearance. Hello, birthday.

I have also wanted a beach towel for a long time. I always feel weird taking my bath towel to the random apartment complex pools I crash these days.
happy birthday