
Picture update

Life lately has been full of loving on our little girl, spending time with friends and family and adjusting to a new schedule with my return to work. My heart is really full right now - God has been and continues to be so faithful to our family!
My sister lives in Texas and was finally able to come up to meet Carson. We loved having her and my parents visit together -- it's never long enough! Thankful for technology like Facetime to help keep in touch.
When I'm at the office three days a week, Kaitlyn comes to watch both Caroline and Carson at our house. This arrangement has been a huge blessing to help ease my transition back to work. When school starts mid-August, Carson will start at a church daycare from 8:30-2:30pm. The girls had twinkie day this week!

Sean and I had our first date night -- it went by too fast! Our church does this awesome thing and offers free childcare two Friday evenings a month to allow parents some kid-free time. They really love on young families well!

Last night Carson slept through the night! To be totally honest, I'm going to miss our early morning feedings -- I'm not sure she was ever really wide awake, but I appreciated the quiet snuggle time with her. I don't think she's ready to completely eliminate them yet, but we'll see. So thankful she's a great sleeper!

I snapped this picture during tummy time and feel like I caught a glimpse of what it will look like when she's crawling.


Carson: two months old

Miss Carson is two months old today! I feel like we are leaving the newborn phase and entering the baby phase full of new discoveries and a developing personality. 

We just got home from her 2 month check up and thankfully we have a perfectly healthy and growing girl! She and I both cried a little when she go her shots {it's the first time I've heard her cry out of pain and it was so sad!} -- thankfully she didn't cry long and I was able to feed her right afterwards. She's given me smiles since we got home, so I think she's handling them well!

Here's a little about Carson this month: 

She weighs 11lb 15.5 oz (80th percentile)
She is 23.5 in long (90th percentile)
She wears 0-3/3 month clothes and size 1 diapers -- I packed up her newborn clothes!
She eats every three hours during the day, the last of which is at 8pm. She sleeps until about 4-5am, then again until 8am.
She takes 3 naps, each about an hour long, throughout the day and usually wants a catnap around 6:30pm.
She started smiling and cooing around 6 weeks old -- those smiles feel like such a great reward!
She loves to kick her legs and her bouncy seat is her favorite place to play.
I have started pumping in the middle of the night to help build up my freezer stock.
While I'm at work 3 days a week, Kaitlyn has been watching her at our house (huge blessing!)

Dear Carson,
What a joy it has become to be your mama! You are such a great baby -- your daddy and I just can't get enough of you. This month you met two of your great grandparents, which was very special. Each day I think you get even cuter and I'm really looking forward to seeing your personality grow and develop. I hope you know that you are incredibly loved -- by both your earthly family and your heavenly father.

Love, mom
You're growing into such a big girl!


God's Faithfulness

While in the shower today {doesn't everyone do their best thinking in the shower? Probably a sign that our lives are too full of other distractions throughout the day} -- I was thinking about God's faithfulness. As I return to work this week after a wonderful maternity leave spent getting to know my baby, my thoughts have ranged from anxiousness and sadness to thankfulness and a willing spirit to obey God's will for this life stage. So often we think we know best for our lives, when really we need to trust that God's plan is the ultimate best. Trusting and being full of faith are difficult for me -- I am a self confessed control freak. I know it about myself, I don't like it, but alas the character quality is so ingrained in my personality. Reflecting on this concept today, I was reminded of the many times in which the Lord has come through for me and shown his loving kindness and faithfulness for our family.

  • He created a husband just for me and allowed us to meet at a young age. (so glad I never had to date as an adult! -- I'd be awful!) 
  • He provided for us financially while both Sean and I finished grad school. 
  • He opened doors to a job the same week we moved to Fayetteville. 
  • He has given us a spectacular group of friends to live life with here in NWA. 
  • He chose us to be Carson's parents, allowing me a healthy pregnancy and delivery. 
  • He answered my prayers to remove my anxiety just after Carson was born and has increased my confidence ten fold. 
  • He provided a flexible job to ease the idea of working as a mom.

He has been so faithful to our family, yet I still struggle with doubt. It's human nature, I guess. I know He will continue to be faithful {which I understand doesn't always mean everything will go my way} as I embark on the journey of becoming a working mom. I'm sure there will be times when my heart aches being away from her, but I have promised myself and Sean that I will give it a fair shot. I will choose to have a good attitude about working and give it enough time to make an educated decision, instead of one based purely on emotion.

Early in my maternity leave I read this scripture and have fallen in love with it!

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Ps. 51:12"

Here's to a new adventure, one with joy and a willing spirit!


27 and Independence Day

On July 2nd I turned 27 and we had a great day! We joined some friends at the pool for a bit, then Kaitlyn watched Carson for a couple of hours while Sean spoiled me with a shopping trip. I haven't been shopping for me in a long time due to pregnancy, but this trip was timed perfectly so I could get some new goodies for my return to work (next week). I am sad it's time to go back, but will be able to work from home a couple of days a week and Sean's cousin Kaitlyn will be watching Carson at our house the other three days for the next six weeks. I'm thankful for a flexible job and have to remind myself this is harder for me than it is Carson. There may be a time in the future where I don't work outside the home, but for now this is the best for our family and I'm trying to be obedient to that. 
My haul from the shopping trip. LOFT was having a great sale and I lucked out at Forever 21, too.
On the 3rd we hosted a BBQ to celebrate my b-day and Independence Day with friends. It was neat to have friends from high school, work and church all in our home together. 
4th of July cutie.

Pretty blue eyes.

Kait and Jacob - so thankful they are in the same town as us!

Sean has had these American flag Converse shoes since 8th grade. They used to be worn a lot more, but now (thankfully) only make an appearance on this appropriate holiday.