Our second daughter, Avery Kait Huddleston, arrived on August 23rd at 3:16pm. Our hearts and hands are full here at the Huddleston house - Avery is the perfect completion of our family and we are all adjusting pretty well to her arrival.
My water broke around 2am on the 23rd. We called Jacob to come over and be with Carson while she was asleep until my parents could get in town. I went to the ER (only after hours option) and they confirmed my water broke (it was pretty obvious, haha). I was checked in and had my epidural by 3:30am. From there, they started me on pitocin to speed up contractions, as I will still only dilated to 2cm. Around lunch time they checked me and I was at a 4, but started feeling very painful contractions for about an hour. They checked me 45 min later and I was at a 10 and pretty uncomfortable! The anesthesiologist came back and upped my epidural dosage and added some other meds. I sat at a 10 for a little while to let the meds kick in, then it was time to push. Just five pushes later and Miss Avery was here!
7 pounds, 5 ounces
19 inches long
Big Sister Carson is doing wonderful and already has a sweet love for her little sister. She was very proud in the hospital and continues to be loving towards her at home. I pray that their relationship remains strong and supportive as they grow up.
Avery Kait,
What a blessing you are to our family. We have prayed for you for quite some time and feel an overwhelming sense of joy to have you in our family. Your daddy, sister and I love you so much and can't wait to get to know you as you grow up. We are committed to raising you in a way that is honoring to the Lord and by His grace. We pray that you will grow up to be a young women who loves Jesus, loves others and loves the church. Your sweetness is a welcome addition to our family and we love you to the moon and back.
Carson Ruby,
You have taken to the role of big sister so well and we are incredibly proud of you! At this age you are both sweet and sassy, incredibly smart and so much fun to be around. You are funny, rarely stop talking and enjoy snuggles. We are praying that you continue to feel just as loved now that we have a new baby and that most importantly you understand the deep love Jesus has for you, sweet girl. Carson you are a joy for both your daddy and I and I'm confident Avery will continue to look up to you as you both grow older. We love you to pieces and the moon and back, Carson.
Carson: Age 3
A little late here, but Carson turned three in May! She brings us and so many others incredible amounts of joy. Sean and I often remark how quickly time passes and that three years flew by, but also how we can't really remember what life was like "BC - Before Carson."
At age three:
- She loves to: skip naps, do craft projects/color, play dress up, watch princess movies
- Some of her favorite people are: Studpa (my dad) and Nanny (my mom), her daddy
- Her best friends are: Aspen, Caroline, Levi
- She likes to eat: Macaroni and cheese, waffles, milk, most fruits
- She is incredibly smart and picks up on new skills very quickly. Her teachers often comment on her sharp she is. She knows most Bible stories by heart and we work with her on scripture memory as well. If Sean and I had to guess right now what she might be when she grows up, we would say a doctor or nurse. She's very bright, but also compassionate and caring.
- She wants to be a cowgirl when she grows up and loves all things horse related
For her birthday party we had friends and family over for Pancakes and Pajamas. It was a cute theme that worked pretty well for little friends. We are thankful to everyone who came to help us celebrate!
My friend Lindsay made her cake -- isn't is awesome?! It tasted as good as it looked.
Kiddo table. Most of these kids are from our small group, but a couple from school/family.
Little cutie about to blow out her candle. This girl loves anything sweet! Some of her birthday gifts this year included: bike, scooter, play doh sets, outdoor toys, princess outfits, and play camping gear. My parents and Sean and I tried to focus on experiential gifts, so we got her a pony ride and my parents got her some memberships (summer pool and a play place nearby).
The day after her birthday she woke up and asked me why she wasn't four years old. :)
Carson Ruby,
Being with you is one of my most favorite things. Whether we are just snuggling on the couch or playing at the park, you are a light to those around you. You get your strong will from your mama and your sense of humor and wit from your dad. You are sharp as a tack and nothing gets past you -- it's actually pretty amazing sometimes. We are confident you are going to do amazing things with your life and are so thankful we get to witness you grow up and be used by God. Carson, never forget how much you are loved by us -- to the moon and back!
31 weeks and her name: Avery Kait!
Well, the second trimester of this pregnancy was seemingly over just as it started. It was full of making fun memories like Carson's 3rd birthday, a family trip to Gulf Shores and lots of swimming at the pool. My nesting phase has just started to kick in and we will be painting Avery's room in the next couple of weeks. Having another girl feels pretty natural to me and I'm excited to get the opportunity to reuse some of the same clothing, bedding, etc. Big sister Carson is doing very well with the idea of a new baby and often asks if they can please share a room. She is inclusive of Avery in family discussions, talks to her in my belly and is pretty confident she will be the first to hold her. We will see what it's like when baby is actually here, but so far her attitude has been an answered prayer.
How far along: 31 weeks
Gender: A girl! Avery Kait Huddleston
Maternity clothes: Mostly yes for bottoms, or leggings. Tops are a mix.
Weight gain: 16 lb, a little more than with Carson but not too far off
Movement: All the time. More rolling motions and lots of hiccups.
Sleep: Pretty well still. I don't last in any position for very long, but a body pillow helps.
Symptoms: By the end of the day I'm spent. Somehow I feel like my belly doubles in size throughout the day. Other than tiredness and some mild swelling at the end of the day, no remarkable symptoms to speak of.
Best moment this week: We just got back from a trip to the beach. We dubbed it "Big Sis Make A Wish" -- she's been asking to go to the beach pretty much every day for six months, so we spend a few days in Gulf Shores. She loved playing in the sand and was a little fish in the swimming pools.
Sweet Avery, we are spending a lot of time in prayer and discussion preparing our hearts and home for your arrival. Your daddy, sister and I are all looking forward to meeting you soon and showing you off to our family and friends. Avery, your middle name is Kait -- you are named after your daddy's cousin (and my best friend) Kaitlyn and we hope that you exhibit many of the character qualities she has. Kaitlyn is loyal, honest, one of the funniest people we know, and a woman who loves Jesus and her family well. When picking someone in our family to name you after, this was an easy decision. You are loved by many already and we look forward to celebrating your arrival in the next couple of months. We are confident you are the perfect addition to our team and a gift from God. Love you, sweet girl.
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Sugar and Spice and Everything Twice
The Huddleston Family is growing and it's another girl! We are over the moon and can't wait to meet our newest addition later this Summer (due August 26th)
A few important memories of this pregnancy so far:
- I found out I was pregnant just before Christmas. I got a positive test moments after I finished reading the entire Bible in a year and cried some pretty big tears of thankfulness.
- Carson is pumped. She's been into babies since a very young age and is excited to have one of her own. She includes little sister in family conversations and also thinks she may also have a belly in her tummy to match mine.
- Much sicker this time around -- about 16 weeks of nausea. I've turned a corner here and am very thankful!
- My thyroid meds have had to be changed a few times. We are monitoring it closely and the obgyn isn't concerned, so I won't be either.
A few important memories of this pregnancy so far:
- I found out I was pregnant just before Christmas. I got a positive test moments after I finished reading the entire Bible in a year and cried some pretty big tears of thankfulness.
- Carson is pumped. She's been into babies since a very young age and is excited to have one of her own. She includes little sister in family conversations and also thinks she may also have a belly in her tummy to match mine.
- Much sicker this time around -- about 16 weeks of nausea. I've turned a corner here and am very thankful!
- My thyroid meds have had to be changed a few times. We are monitoring it closely and the obgyn isn't concerned, so I won't be either.
How far along: 17 weeks
Gender: A girl! We are close to a name selection.
Maternity clothes: I for sure feel bigger than I look. Started the old hair tie trick this week.
Weight gain: None yet, but I'm sure I'm just around the corner.
Movement: Yes, I mostly notice them when I'm still. Sean felt a little kick this week, too.
Sleep: Lots of it. Sleeping like a champ so far. Sean says I snore a lot more when I'm pregnant and I have crazier dreams. He said I was talking about nachos last night. :)
Symptoms: I've been much sicker this pregnancy than the last, but the past week or two have been much better. My main symptoms are a growing belly, food aversions and sensitivity to citrus. I'm also pretty sensitive and weepy.
Best moment this week: We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary this week with a date night while Carson had her first sleepover. Very thankful for Sean and the way he cares for me and the girls. He's been a champ since I was so sick for much of early pregnancy.
Sweet baby girl,
Little miss, we are filled with love and thankfulness for your precious life and look forward to you completing our family. I'll go ahead and warn you that your big sister might smother you with kisses a bit when you first arrive. I hope the two of you become life long friends. When we found out you were a girl, I was surprised but your daddy says he knew all along. He is very excited to be a daddy to two girls! We love you so much and are praying for the rest of this pregnancy to go smoothly. We are thankful for the opportunity to grow our family and think you will be the perfect fit! Looking forward to life full of loving you and your sissy.
Carson at 2.5
Carson Ruby is 2.5 and really is such a joy. Sean describes her as "aggressively affectionate" and I'd say that's pretty accurate!

Somethings about Carson recently:
- Her vocabulary has skyrocketed and she's a great communicator. She understands emotions and will let us know how she's feeling in pretty descriptive terms.
- Her love language is for sure physical touch. Girl loves to cuddle, give hugs, and hold hands. Our church had an event centered around your child's love language and after really realizing hers was physical touch, we've avoided a lot of disciplinary type issues by just offering more snuggle ("nuggle") time.
- She has a lot of friends, but some of her favorites are: Aspen, Caroline, Harlow and Levi. She's a social butterfly and loves to be around others.
- She does ok with eating -- she will usually try about anything, but doesn't seem to eat a ton of any one particular item.
- She potty trained herself. :) Right around her 2nd birthday we officially started and she had it down with only a handful of accidents. A couple months after that, she was good to go all night, too.
- She typically gets sassy when she's hungry or when she has to leave somewhere she doesn't want to.
- Her favorite toys right now are baby dolls, coloring, playing pretend (princess, doctor), and her play kitchen.
- Her favorite TV show is Sophia the First and she asks to watch it all the time! Kiddo is persistent.
- She's very smart -- picks up on things very quickly, memorized new songs/books/bible verses after just a couple of times. Her memory is way better than mine!
- She has just recently taken to talking on the phone. She wants to call family/friends and have a little chat, but the conversation usually ends pretty abruptly ("ok, bye bye!"...click)
- She naps for around an hour at daycare and usually two hours at home, sleeps from about 8-6:30.
- If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she will say "A Mommy!" (and I know she's going to make a great one!)
Carson Ruby, your daddy and I are so very proud of you! We love getting to know you and see your personality develop. You are kind, smart and very funny. Being your mom is one of my greatest gifts and pleasures. We often pray through the fruits of the spirit over you and have seen a lot of those character qualities come out. Sweet girl, we so desire for you to grow up knowing and willingly serving Jesus. We promise to do our best to lead you into a healthy relationship with the Lord by modeling grace and ensuring our family's involvement in the Church. You are so much fun to be around, so imaginative and creative. You've just woken from your nap, so I'll leave this post to hug your neck. Love you to the moon and back, Carson!

Somethings about Carson recently:
- Her vocabulary has skyrocketed and she's a great communicator. She understands emotions and will let us know how she's feeling in pretty descriptive terms.
- Her love language is for sure physical touch. Girl loves to cuddle, give hugs, and hold hands. Our church had an event centered around your child's love language and after really realizing hers was physical touch, we've avoided a lot of disciplinary type issues by just offering more snuggle ("nuggle") time.
- She has a lot of friends, but some of her favorites are: Aspen, Caroline, Harlow and Levi. She's a social butterfly and loves to be around others.
- She does ok with eating -- she will usually try about anything, but doesn't seem to eat a ton of any one particular item.
- She potty trained herself. :) Right around her 2nd birthday we officially started and she had it down with only a handful of accidents. A couple months after that, she was good to go all night, too.
- She typically gets sassy when she's hungry or when she has to leave somewhere she doesn't want to.
- Her favorite toys right now are baby dolls, coloring, playing pretend (princess, doctor), and her play kitchen.
- Her favorite TV show is Sophia the First and she asks to watch it all the time! Kiddo is persistent.
- She's very smart -- picks up on things very quickly, memorized new songs/books/bible verses after just a couple of times. Her memory is way better than mine!
- She has just recently taken to talking on the phone. She wants to call family/friends and have a little chat, but the conversation usually ends pretty abruptly ("ok, bye bye!"...click)
- She naps for around an hour at daycare and usually two hours at home, sleeps from about 8-6:30.
- If you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, she will say "A Mommy!" (and I know she's going to make a great one!)
Carson Ruby, your daddy and I are so very proud of you! We love getting to know you and see your personality develop. You are kind, smart and very funny. Being your mom is one of my greatest gifts and pleasures. We often pray through the fruits of the spirit over you and have seen a lot of those character qualities come out. Sweet girl, we so desire for you to grow up knowing and willingly serving Jesus. We promise to do our best to lead you into a healthy relationship with the Lord by modeling grace and ensuring our family's involvement in the Church. You are so much fun to be around, so imaginative and creative. You've just woken from your nap, so I'll leave this post to hug your neck. Love you to the moon and back, Carson!
Carson Turns Two
Our sweet Carson Ruby turns two years old today! My how time flies. To know Carson is to love her and gosh we love her so very much! This year we celebrated her birthday with friends and family with a cowgirl themed party, complete with ponies.
At age two Carson:
- Loves to play pretend
- Really enjoys reading books. Right now mommy or daddy read to her then she "reads" the books next
- Enjoys going to church, especially if we promise a bus ride (shuttle)
- Still goes to play learn during the day and has grown so fond of her teachers, Mrs. Amy and Ms. Linda
- Is a pretty good eater, though takes forever
- Has become quite girly -- as an affinity towards makeup and nailpolish and really dislikes bugs and worms
- Still sleeps in her crib, though we will probably try a big girl bed this summer
- Her favorite people are probably my parents, her friend Caroline and cousin Harlow
- Is really stringing words together now "I need more water, please" for example
- We've done a soft launch of potty training -- when home she usually knows to tell me and goes potty
To my main girl, Carson:
Carson Ruby -- this year your birthday and Mother's Day fall on the same day. It's so appropriate to celebrate those together, given you were the one who made me a mommy. With tears welling up in my eyes, I feel so grateful for the opportunity to hear your little voice call me mommy and to feel the snugness of your tiny arms giving me a big hug. Right now you are incredibly fun - I love your silly side and you seeing your imagination take flight. I love your snuggly side -- the way you need extra cuddles after you wake up from a nap and how freely you give hugs and kisses to others. Two years really have gone by very fast and each new stage brings a twinge of sadness for phases passing, but more joy and anticipation for the little girl you are shaping in to. Carson, I hope you know how much you are loved. Your daddy and I try really hard to make sure you are safe and know how special you are. As much as we love you, God loves you even more. As you grow older I pray that you will trust us as your parents to help guide you and trust that Jesus' plan for your life is best. Carson you are such a blessing for us -- you bring us so much joy and laughter. We love you to the moon and back!
Here are some pictures from the birthday party:
Carson update: 17 months
We are about halfway through football season and are finally in our groove for our fall schedule (which typically means a little less of Sean!). I led a Bible study at our church this fall, so it's been busy, but a wonderful start to autumn.
Carson is now 17 months old and as cute as ever. Things she's up to now include:
- She loves anything baby doll related. The other day she was shhing and rocking a "baby" that was a can of raisins! She swaddles, puts them down for naps and rocks them -- it's precious.
- She enjoys playing with her play kitchen and cooking noodles, aka headbands.
- She's a lover and very affectionate -- the other day at a party she made a boy cry because she was hugging him too much. Could be worse habits, haha.
- She's an ok eater -- I wouldn't say she really loves anything in particular, though. Still not a fan of most fruits or veggies, unless blended in a smoothie.
- She really loves daycare. She's always happy for me to leave her and sad when I pick her up. Today another mom told me her little girl was asking to see Carson on the way to school, so I hope that's a sign she is kind to others. The teachers love her to pieces, too.
- She can say mama, daddy, dog, ball, thank you, please, more, hi, bye, book and, of course...no!
- She knows some hand motions to Jesus Loves Me
To my dearest Carson Ruby --
You really could not be any sweeter. You are such an easy baby to love and care for, often waking up with big smiles and falling asleep just after sweet giggles. Your daddy and I love you so much that it's almost like life was a little black and white until we met you, then everything came in full color. Being your mom is a blessing on many fronts -- I love to love you, but I also know that this role was created for me as part of my own sanctification process, drawing me closer to Jesus. We have been praying the fruits of the spirit over you recently -- love and joy, which you embody every day. Now we are praying for peace -- peace in knowing you were created by our Creator, who has a specific plan for your life. Peace in the fact that both your dad and I will love you unconditionally. As a toddler, you lack some understanding, but the Bible tells us that Jesus can offer peace that transcends understanding -- it's not always going to make sense to you and that's ok. God can help you do big things, Carson, and we are thrilled to have a front row ticket to see how He uses you!
With all my heart,
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