
My First Mothers Day

What a special day! Although I'm certain reality has not yet set in for what life will be like with Carson, I do know she will so loved and cared for by Sean and I. It was so fun and encouraging to get all of the Mother's Day texts and messages from friends and family. I know God is going to use this role as a mom to help identify and deal with sin in my life - particularly selfishness. It's not going to be easy, but I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead and to see growth and progress as I look back. 

Sean really could not be more perfect right now. He is such a huge help and source of encouragement and wisdom. My emotions are a little crazy right now, but I've cried multiple times out of thankfulness for his support and deep love for me, and now Carson, too. 

For Mothers Day and as a "push present" Sean bought me a diamond band that matches my wedding band -- to now signify that there are three of us in the family. It's perfect and so thoughtful. 

Just as meaningful was the very kind letter he wrote to me. His words are like salve for my soul. He also shared with me that he journaled through my late pregnancy and labor/delivery. How special to read those words -- I was a crying mess! 

My first Mothers Day was a blessing and a great way to kick off my new role! 

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